Finding the right photo-op spot when traveling

Traveling is usually overwhelming and exciting, but overall overwhelming. 
As a planner it is a struggle trying to fit everything in a limited amount of time,
fortunately it was the opposite this time, 6 weeks in Mexico City meant I had all the time in the world… or so I thought. 

As a blogger I was stuck between what I really wanted to showcase during this time. 
Lets get into what you came for, where to take pics??
These tips are more directed toward fashion photography posts which is usually what my blog is surrounded by, but it can be applicable towards other aspects of photography as well. 

INSTAGRAM, yup, Instagram is a huge key point when it comes to locating places not only to visit but also on what to take pictures of. Simply search the city in which you are staying in or if you’re more into exploring a wider range than just search the state and it’s usually filled with posts that other users have visited and taken pictures of. This helps because the location is already pinned for you and all you need to do is plan your visit. 
A picture would catch my attention and I would look further into where it is located and what it is about. Sometimes if I really wanted to visit and couldn't pin point the location I would simply message the person who posted it and ask them to help me out, great way of networking as well. 

Another big way Instagram is helpful is by searching the hashtag (city)+(blogger) because bloggers are always ready to share all these fun/cool places that you may not have known about (hint hint)

GOOGLE MAPS, maybe I’m slow on this but I just discovered how google maps is also super useful in saving locations for you to later go back to them if needed. Well for those who are way ahead of me just don’t spoil my joy in this new feature for me at least. There were so many times I was in the uber and passed by so many art murals that I wanted to visit during my trip so I would open my google maps, pin the location and label it with something that will be obvious to me because I can be pretty forgetful.
This also means staying off your phone while being in an uber… could be very essential 

Actually I am currently disappointed because during my whole trip I wanted to visit a street that had ceiling umbrellas and they all seemed to be too far away and out of the city… welp it just so happens on my way to the airport to head back home I passed by one while looking out the window and it was only 20 minutes away from where I was staying! This whole time it was closer than I thought. I almost jumped off the car but I couldn’t obviously, now it’s too late, guess I’m going to have to come back. 

PINTEREST, is another of my absolute favorites, it’s filled with blogger resources that I am obsessed with. Not only does it help you with locations but also with pose ideas and outfit ideas and just so much. 

This is by far one of the easiest resources when you're already in the area and need a quick idea of where to head for great photo-ops. I simply search "cool places to visit in (city)" or "Instagram worthy in  (city)", some keywords to just get you started and then you will open a wormhole of inspiration. 

Many of these resources I used during my trip to Mexico, somewhere I was absolutely not familiar with and honestly it made me use my time wisely and not spend so much money in temporary outings. 
Here are some of the fun photo shoot places my friends and I were able to find in Mexico, all while using the tips above. 
Enjoy and comment below letting me know if it worked for you ♡


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