DIY Home Studio

Today’s post will be different than the one’s you’re used to and if you like it then please let me know because I would love to continue contributing more posts on connecting with creative photography and the work we make.
A little back story to this is that I have been wanting to connect more with creative photography, I shy away because I'm not sure what to bring to the table but reality is we are all looking to make art together and I want to continue doing that and this includes connecting more with portrait photography and also being a photographer myself.

This all started with the want of playing with portrait photography but on a budget. I decided to reach out to my good friend Veronica who does photography and told her what I was thinking and if she would be up with playing with this concept together, she loved it! I was so excited. I said, why not do an at home studio?

If you read my first blog post on portrait photography I mentioned something important to me and that is trusting my photographer. I want to feel comfortable and confident and the person behind the camera is a valuable key piece to this. Veronica did this and more, we both had a lot of fun learning together and just having fun with a “no rules” photography session!
Keep reading to learn more about Veronica and her story and also some tips on starting your own creative space.

Meet Veronica Monterosso...

Can you tell me some of the photography work you have done so far?

"My first photo shoot that kicked everything off was photographing Boston Community Dance Project a fabulous dance group of talented young women and men. Ever since then my shoots were family photos, engagements, maternity and creative!"

When did you first fall in love with photography or decide to pursue it?

"Ever since I was a kid I loved photography. My dad had a really nice film camera that I would play with. I always had a composition eye. I started more with nature and landscape. I find the earth so beautiful! I didn’t take an official class until I was in college which started with the dark room and then digital photography!"

What is most important to you when it comes to being a photographer?

"The most important thing when it comes to photography is really capturing the essence of the moment. I love seeing the emotion, the natural lighting, and telling a story. There’s so many things that can happen in one single picture."

In your free time what kind of photography do you enjoy shooting?

"During my free time I love experimenting with creative nature photography"

You can also find Veeronica's work here: and

Some key tips to starting a creative space, specifically an at home studio is to work with what you have and don't get discouraged because you don't have the "essentials", the essentials are all about getting creative. I hadn't expected Veronica to be so prepared with her set up therefore I had already told myself we would use natural lighting to our advantage and some fabrics I had as our backdrop.

I figured, what’s stopping me? Well I knew I didn’t have “studio” equipment, but I thought about ways to substitute those materials. Photography is a form of art and art is creative and has no rule book, therefore I knew it was fine to not have everything I thought I needed. Luckily to my surprise Veronica had told me she had some equipment she wanted to play around with, so it was a great collaboration because we both went in expecting the unexpected. I know this sounds broad but that is the point! It’s not to have rules, to go in ready to work with what you have and let your creativity explore!
Well I hope this at least inspires you to go forward with your projects as small as they may seem.
Get Creative, until next post :)



  1. It was so awesome creating with you! Can't wait for many more! xoxo

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